Magic VLSI Layout Tool Version 8.3 *


Rotate the selection and box clockwise


Key macro r implements the command clockwise (or rotate 90).
Key macro R implements the command clockwise 270 (or rotate -90).
Key macro Control-R implements the command clockwise 180


clockwise [degrees] [-origin]

where degrees is the number of degrees to rotate, and must be a manhattan amount (90, 180, 270).


The clockwise command rotates the current selection by the specified amount, in degrees. The default rotation is by 90 degrees. The amount of rotation must be one of 90, 180, or 270.

If -origin is specified, the rotation is around the origin of the selection, not around the lower left-hand corner.

Implementation Notes:

clockwise is implemented as a built-in magic command. Because a "standard abbreviation" is clock and conflicts with the Tcl command clock, this case is handled specially. The command clock is deprecated in favor of the more general command rotate, but is maintained for backward compatibility.

See Also:


Return to command index

Last updated: March 7, 2020 at 1:06pm