Qrouter Detail Routing Tool Version 1.2 Command Reference


Provide information on the routing layers defined in the technology and used by qrouter.


layer_info [option [value]]

where option is one of the following:

layername [layer_option]
layer_number [layer_option]

and layer_option is one of the following:



The layer_info command is used to query information about the routing layer parameters found in the technology LEF file. Unlike many other qrouter commands, the layer_info command options are all read-only. The command cannot be used to alter routing parameters, which are considered to be tied to the technology.

layer_info all is a special command that dumps information about all routing layers, from lowest to highest, in the same format used by the "-i" command-line switch. This allows qrouter to act as a quick LEF file parser to get routing information that can be used by other tools in a digital synthesis tool flow.

layer_info maxlayer returns the maximum number of route layers defined in the technology. A separate command is used to restrict qrouter to use fewer layers than the maximum (see the layers command).

Implementation Notes:

layer_info is implemented as a built-in command in the Tcl version of qrouter. It provides the same information as the "qrouter -i" batch command, but in an interactive format.

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Last updated: November 16, 2013 at 7:51pm