Qrouter Detail Routing Tool Version 1.2 Command Reference


Print information about a specific grid point, instance, node, or net.


query option ...


This command can be used to help debug problems with failed routes and routability of a design. It provides information about what is going on at a particular point in the route grid, or at a particular pin, or net.

Commands return information about the current state of the object being queried unless the watch option is present (used only with "query grid" and "query position"), in which case qrouter will monitor the specified position and report on it when it becomes unroutable. Because route obstructions are evaluated during the read_def command, any use of query with option watch must be issued prior to the read_def command. Options:
query grid ix iy layer [watch]
For the grid position specified by integer values ix and iy, and the layer layer given either by name or number, print all information about the position including what node it belongs to (if any), what routed net has been assigned to it (if any), if the position has been marked as obstructed, or marked as requiring a route or via offset, or marked as requiring a stub to reach the pin. If watch is specified, then the position will be monitored and the information will be printed if and when the position is marked as obstructed.
query position dx dy layer [watch]
For the grid position closest to the specfied coordinates dx and dy, in microns, and the layer layer given either by name or number, print all information about the position including what node it belongs to (if any), what routed net has been assigned to it (if any), if the position has been marked as obstructed, or marked as requiring a route or via offset, or marked as requiring a stub to reach the pin. If watch is specified, then the position will be monitored and the information will be printed if and when the position is marked as obstructed.
query instance instance
For a cell specified by the instance name, print information about the geometry of the instance, all of its pins, and the geometry of all obstructions defined inside the instance's area.
query node instance/pin
For a node specified by instance and pin name (separated by a slash character), print the gate type and information about the node, including grid positions that have been assigned to the node, both in grid units and in microns.
query net name
Print information about the net named name, including its nodes, the grid positions directly connecting to the node, the extended grid positions from which the node can be reached with a short stub route, and the bounding box of the entire net.

Implementation Notes:

query is implemented as a built-in command in qrouter, only in the Tcl version.

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Last updated: September 17, 2019 at 10:35pm

Implementation Notes:

query is implemented as a built-in command in qrouter, only in the Tcl version.

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Last updated: September 17, 2019 at 10:35pm