Qrouter Detail Routing Tool Version 1.2 Command Reference


Write a file with delay information for all nets.


write_delays filename

where filename is the name to give to the delay output file.


The write_delays command writes a file that contains information about route metal parasitics (not specifically delay values, but R (parasitic resistance) and C (parasitic capacitance) values from which the delays may be calculated. The output is a hierarchical nested list of branching sub-nets starting at each standard cell output and terminating on all the standard cell inputs to which it connects (and similarly for input and output pins).

The nested R, C list is understood by the tool vesta in qflow. Most other tools will read SDF or SPEF format. Qflow contains scripts that can convert from qrouter's format to standard delay and parasitic file formats.

Implementation Notes:

write_delays is implemented as a built-in command in qrouter.

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Last updated: May 22, 2018 at 9:46pm