translate([0, 0, -2]) difference () { // union () { union () { // Import STL for the original belt clamp import(file = "Dual Belt Clamp With Striker.STL"); // Fill unneeded bolt holes translate([-15, 6.5, 2.5]) cube([32, 5, 10]); translate([-15, 15.5, 2.5]) cube([32, 4, 10]); translate([-15, 7.0, 2.0]) cube([31.5, 12, 2]); } // Cut out holes for the magnets // Opening is on the side so that the // magnets cannot be pulled out rotate([0, 90, 0]) translate([-10, 9.3, 13.5]) cylinder(h=5, r=1.3, $fn=64); rotate([0, 90, 0]) translate([-10, 17, 13.5]) cylinder(h=5, r=1.3, $fn=64); rotate([0, 90, 0]) translate([-10, 9.3, -18.5]) cylinder(h=5, r=1.3, $fn=64); rotate([0, 90, 0]) translate([-10, 17, -18.5]) cylinder(h=5, r=1.3, $fn=64); rotate([0, 90, 0]) translate([-5, 9.3, 13.5]) cylinder(h=5, r=1.3, $fn=64); rotate([0, 90, 0]) translate([-5, 17, 13.5]) cylinder(h=5, r=1.3, $fn=64); rotate([0, 90, 0]) translate([-5, 9.3, -18.5]) cylinder(h=5, r=1.3, $fn=64); rotate([0, 90, 0]) translate([-5, 17, -18.5]) cylinder(h=5, r=1.3, $fn=64); // Bevel top edges to prevent catching // on mount plate. translate([14.5, 5, 14.0]) rotate([0, 35, 0]) cube([6, 16, 2]); translate([-20, 5, 10.0]) rotate([0, -35, 0]) cube([6, 16, 2]); // Remove the striker on the secondary belt clamp translate([-10, -10, 0]) cube([30, 16, 15]); }