William Brooks Edwards
- Date of birth: October 30, 2000
- Birthplace: Shady Grove Adventist Hospital, Rockville, Maryland, USA
- Parents: Robert Timothy and Linglan Elizabeth Edwards
- Weight: 9 lbs., 3 oz.
First set of photos from the hospital.
- William, about 1:00 am on Hallowe'en
(which is about an hour after birth).
- Linglan and William, next day.
- Another of Linglan and William.
- Tim and baby.
- Closeup of Tim and baby.
- Another of father and son.
- William, closeup.
- Tim bounces the baby.
- Closeup of William at the hospital.
- Even closer.
- Another one of William, awake.
Photos from the first week at home:
- Linglan with William in the car seat, just arrived
- William meets Granddad Edwards
- Another of William and his grandfather
- Proud grandparents
- One week old (11/7/00)
- Another photo from the bassinet.
- Family of three.
Milestone: 2 weeks old:
- Father and son.
- William almost manages a smile.
- Baby in the ``Boppy''.
Week 3:
Week 4-6:
Last updated: October 11, 2005 at 11:34pm